
The Synaptic Bases of Mental Diseases

From science to yoga — and back to science

After initial studies in science, Zeynep Knight-Celen opts for a life practicing and teaching yoga. Ten years later her interest in the workings of the mind rekindles her scientific curiosity and leads her to a PhD position in the Mindfulness Read more…

A psychologist in a clinical research team

Ryan Murray’s work within Synapsy WP#5 focuses on measuring brain reactivity to and recovery from psychosocial stress within clinical patients and healthy controls. He talked to us about his role as a psychologist in a clinical research group and his Read more…

Genetics to stratify the WP#5 cohort

Giorgio Pistis is profiling polygenic scores to understand whether genetic risks associated with particular pathophysiological pathways are higher in specific sub-groups of patients of the mood disorder cohort. Synapsy met him to find out more about his project. Giorgio Pistis Read more…

Editorial – by Camilla Bellone

2020 has been a challenging year for the Synapsy community and for the whole society. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health, economy and employment has been unprecedented worldwide. Like many other domains, science has been hit hardly by Read more…

Obsessive Compulsive Disorders: How to treat OCD?

The fourth most common psychiatric illness, OCD affects between 2 and 3% of the population. Obsessive compulsive disorder, called OCD, is a psychological disorder. It is characterized by distressing obsessions that occur as recurring mental thoughts or images. These lead Read more…

Optimus Agora Prize for Carmen Sandi and Dominique de Quervain

Dominique de Quervain and Carmen Sandi are being awarded Optimus Agora Prize. Their project “Stress” encourages interaction with the public. Stress is part of everyday life. Better understanding it, and knowing how to prevent situations that cause it, improves our Read more… maintaining mental health and developing coping skills

The objective of this new web app, designed by caregivers and researchers, is to help people with temporary/reactional or chronic psychological suffering to find coping strategies to better cope with the crisis in the broadest sense: health, containment, de-confinement, post-confinement, Read more…

New EEG Study on Euthymic Bipolar Disorder Patients

Bipolar disorder (BD) is a common and severe psychiatric disorder. A better understanding of the underlying pathophysiology is needed to identify objective biomarkers of BD that would improve diagnostic and treatment. Evidence from brain imaging studies consistently points to abnormalities Read more…

World Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2019

Synapsy was present at the 14th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2019 in Vancouver with its two members, Camille Piguet (UNIGE) and Jean-Michel Aubry (HUG). The latter was the chair of the seminar entitled “Relevant neuroimaging biomarkers in offspring of Read more…