Plaisir, déplaisir, «les deux rives d’un même fleuve» Pierre Magistretti and François Ansermet talk about their recently published (30-Sept) book : Les énigmes du plaisir, éd. Odile Jacob.
France Culture radio (podcast 27’12”)The Brain Bus, “Les neurones en vadrouille“
The Brain Bus is a traveling bus dedicated to the brain that begins these days a tour throughout Switzerland. Pierre Magistretti explains its purpose.
RTS radio La 1ère – ImpatienceOctober 1 2010, launch of the NCCR-Synapsy
The research of the new Swiss national research center (NCCR) entitled “SYNAPSY – Synaptic Mechanisms of Mental Illness”, was officially launched on 1 October 2010, whose objectives have been welcomed by international experts in this field. How can we understand the biological basis of mental illness? How can we leverage clinical studies in genuinely innovative ways? And how can we create new forms of therapy and above all new medical training methods at the interface between the neurosciences and psychiatry that would enable an appropriate response to the dramatic increase in mental illnesses such as depression.
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