
The Synaptic Bases of Mental Diseases


EO Program

Synapsy Equal Opportunity Program​

The Synapsy equal opportunity (EO) intervention program aims to promote female careers in academic research and offer them the possibility to have an adequate life-work balance. The ultimate goal is to reach an equal number of female and male at every hierarchical level.


Family support

Synapsy provides two financial supports to encourage female researchers to pursue their career when they become mother:

  • Event childcare support: Cover childcare, babysitting, and transportation during events
  • Newcomer childcare sponsorship: Addressed to mothers or fathers joining the Synapsy program. Cover the first weeks of childcare after a move.

Lemanic Women in Neuroscience Network (LWiN)

LWiN is a network of professional women whose purpose is to connect and share work experiences and ideas to benefit the entire community and help retain women in science by

LWiN logo

  • Creating a Lemanic network of women and promote equal opportunity
  • Discussing topics relevant to women in neuroscience
  • Highlighting women role models

Equal opportunity office of the university of Geneva

Synapsy tightly collaborates with the UNIGE’s EO Office to build and sustain an EO strategy. Also, Synapsy is contributing to UNIGE’s EO Office activities by relaying and supporting their events, measures and campaign.

Please visit their web page and discover their current campaign on women role model:


Three questions for female researchers, to get rid of gender bias and fight for emancipation.


Promote women in management and decision-making process

  • Increase percentage of female to higher hierarchical position

  • Promote female to professorships

  • Reach an equal gender balance

Offering facilities for life-work balance

  • Facilitate mothers working conditions

  • Support parent and families

Sensitize the academic and neuroscientific community

  • Reduce gender bias

  • Reduce sexism

  • Encourage young female scientists to pursue their careers

Women’s role model

  • Presents female role models to junior female researchers

Sensitize young girl to gender bias issues

  • Promote scientific fields at the school level for young girls, to increase the level of female students.

  • Sensitize young girl to gender bias issues

Link to Camilla Bellone video
Prof. Camilla Bellone speaks about her work as project leader (1’04”).