
The Synaptic Bases of Mental Diseases

Social interactions divert the established motivational system

A Synapsy study has demonstrated that the first step required to embark on a social interaction, moving towards others, follows a neural pathway that lies outside the system of motivation that had previously been known to be at the forefront Read more…

Autism: a spectrum on the path to segmentation

A UNIGE study backed by Synapsy has shown that the basic states of the brain functions of young children with autism spectrum disorder have a signature that is specific to their clinical profile. This discovery marks a step forward in Read more…

Using genetics and sharing to study autism

French researcher Thomas Bourgeron is a pioneer in genetic research on autism. The professor was also our guest at the last Neurobiology of Mental Health conference. In this article, he tells us all about his initial findings that link genes Read more…

Two Synapsy Neuroscientists Win Prestigious European Grants

Camilla Bellone, member of the NCCR-Synapsy and researcher at the University of Geneva (UNIGE), was awarded the European Research Council’s ERC Consolidator grant. Additionally, Alan Carleton, also a member of Synapsy and researcher at UNIGE, was awarded the ERC Synergy Read more…

A gene to better understand autism and schizophrenia

Claudia Bagni’s laboratory, Synapsy member and director of the Department of Fundamental Neurosciences of the University of Lausanne, published a “Nature Communications” paper demonstrating that an alteration of the CYFIP1 gene in mice leads to a disruption of connections between Read more…

A synaptic perspective of intellectual disabilities


Synapsy researcher Claudia Bagni, Professor of Neuroscience and Head of the Department of Basic Neurosciences at the University of Lausanne, publishes a review on synaptopathies in the journal Neuron with her colleague Suzanne Zukins from the Albert Einstein College of Read more…

ASD : Protein synthesis as a possible biomarker

Eleonora Rosina

Eleonora Rosina   Highlight from the Bagni’s Lab Genes encoding for proteins involved in synaptic protein synthesis seem to contribute to the development of Autism Spectrum Disorders. They are now suspected as early biomarkers. Eleonora Rosina, a PhD student in Read more…

The WP#3 is setting the tone

Technology transfers

A new Synapsy era has emerged with the entering in Phase-3. Its success will depend, among other things, on Synapsy’s ability to transfer technologies. It didn’t take long to hear about a great example of technology transfer! Last October, the Read more…

The brain is fighting against autism


Eye-tracking experience Each dot indicates the position of the gaze while viewing a video showing a child playing. Left : the blue dots are the areas targeted by a child with typical cerebral development. Right : the red dots are targeted by Read more…