
The Synaptic Bases of Mental Diseases

François Ansermet appointed Honorary Professor

François Ansermet portrait

François Ansermet has been appointed Honorary Professor at the University of Lausanne. Whole speech by Prof. Jacques Gasser, Chef du Département de psychiatrie du CHUV. UNIL News (FR)> < Back to NEWS & AWARDS page

There’s more to a child than its reproductive beginnings

Ansermet New Book

In his book “La fabrication des enfants, un vertige technologique (Making children, A technological vertigo)”, published by Editions Odile Jacob, Prof. François Ansermet considers the novel situations arising from new advances in medically assisted procreation. Professor François Ansermet whose research Read more…

François Ansermet appointed to the French Committee of Ethics

François Ansermet portrait

François Ansermet, psychoanalyst and child psychiatrist and member of Synapsy, is the first non-French expert to serve on the French ethics advisory board. Progress in research brings with it ethical issues-research on embryos, surrogate motherhood, end-of-life concerns, donating organs-and sometimes Read more…