
The Synaptic Bases of Mental Diseases

There’s more to a child than its reproductive beginnings

Ansermet New Book

In his book “La fabrication des enfants, un vertige technologique (Making children, A technological vertigo)”, published by Editions Odile Jacob, Prof. François Ansermet considers the novel situations arising from new advances in medically assisted procreation.

Professor François Ansermet whose research interests include the subjective nature of perinatal biotechnology, spanning medically assisted procreation and genetics and predictive medicine has just published a book where he examines and questions the new possibilities arising from assisted reproductive technologies that push the limits of nature. An assisted birth involves quite a few more people that just the two parents-perhaps a gestational mother to receive the embryo and carry the pregnancy, a genetic father to provide sperm, or a genetic mother to contribute the egg or transplanted uterus, not to mention the accompanying medical team and scientists. How far can we go and how far will we go with this technology debates the child psychiatrist in his book.

Professor Ansermet recently spoke about this in Le Temps newspaper (FR) >

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