
The Synaptic Bases of Mental Diseases

SNN Best Poster Award 2016 to Thomas Stefanelli

Thomas Stefanelli SSN award

Thomas Stefanelli (Christian Lüscher PhD student, ex- Dominique Müller) won the best poster prize awarded by the Swiss Society for Neuroscience.

The study examines neural ensemble involved in memory processes: the cellular engram.

Stefanelli and colleagues reveal a mechanism of lateral inhibition that modulates the size of the cellular engram in the dentate gyrus and controls the stability of contextual fear memory.

Reference :
Stefanelli T, Bertollini C, Lüscher C, Muller D, Mendez P;
Hippocampal somatostatin interneurons control the size of neuronal memory ensembles.
Neuron 89(5):1074-85, Mar 2016. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2016.01.024 >

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