
The Synaptic Bases of Mental Diseases

Hirnliga Research Award 2016 to Anthony Holtmaat

Prof. Holtmaat receives prize

Prize “ Ligue Suisse sur le Cerveau - Hirnliga “ 2016 awarded to Anthony Holtmaat. The Swiss League for the Brain awards a prize every two years for outstanding brain research. This year’s CHF 20,000 prize went to Professor Anthony Holtmaat Read more…

Micah Murray is awarded the Research Prize of the Swiss Brain League

micah murray hirnliga award 2014

Profs. Magistretti and Murray The 2014 Research Prize of the Swiss Brain League (Hirnliga) is awarded to Prof. Micah M. Murray (UNIL-CHUV) and to Prof. Christoph S. Herrmann (University of Oldenburg, Germany). Vision, and perception more generally, should not be Read more…