
The Synaptic Bases of Mental Diseases

Two Synapsy project leaders nominated at EPFL

frackowiack -petersen

Richard Frackowiak and Richard Petersen

At its meeting held in December, the Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology appointed seven professors at EPFL. Among them, two project leaders of the NCCR-Synapsy.

Carl Petersen as Full Professor of Life Sciences at the School of Life Sciences (SV). Carl Petersen conducts research on key topics in the neurosciences and is acknowledged to be one of the leading scientists in his field. For example, he investigates how neuronal networks initiate signals in the brain and how these signals are perceived, interpreted and implemented by the individual. Carl Petersen uses the latest electrophysiological and chromophoric techniques in his research. He is strongly committed to teaching. He has become a leading expert in the field of in vivo research on neural networks in the cerebral cortex, as well as in state-of-the-art imaging techniques that allow researchers to study dynamic behavior of the networks at the cellular level.

Richard Frackowiak as Adjunct Professor of Life Sciences at the School of Life Sciences (SV). Richard Frackowiak is a pioneer in the use of the latest imaging technologies for mapping and investigating the human brain. His achievements include founding and developing several centers for the use of these technologies, such as positron emission tomography and, later, magnetic resonance tomography. Today, these centers are ranked among the best in the world.

Author : Sandy Evangelista, EPFL

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