
The Synaptic Bases of Mental Diseases


Empowerment: Three Questions for Bita Moghaddam

Empowerment: Three Questions for Bita Moghaddam

Bita Moghaddam is a full professor at Oregon Health and Science University where she holds the Chair of the Department of Behavioral Neuroscience. In the past 26 years, she focused...
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Nathalie Ginovart – Translational Research Using Neuroimaging

Nathalie Ginovart – Translational Research Using Neuroimaging

Nathalie Ginovart uses neuroimaging as a research tool to investigate mental disorders and as a way of bringing the clinical and fundamental worlds closer together. Nathalie Ginovart started by studying...
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Antje Horsch – Deciphering the Inter-Generational Transmission of Stress and Trauma

Antje Horsch – Deciphering the Inter-Generational Transmission of Stress and Trauma

Antje Horsch holds the position of assistant professor at the Institute of Higher Education and Research in Health Care at the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and in the Women and...
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Radio show with Marie Schaer

Radio show with Marie Schaer

Every Friday, the CQFD swiss radio show receives a scientist to talk about his or her work and research. The 6th of September 2019, the journalist Adrien Zerbini invited Marie...
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A gene to better understand autism and schizophrenia

A gene to better understand autism and schizophrenia

Claudia Bagni’s laboratory, Synapsy member and director of the Department of Fundamental Neurosciences of the University of Lausanne, published a "Nature Communications" paper demonstrating that an alteration of the CYFIP1...
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Workshop “Gender Equity in Science”

Workshop “Gender Equity in Science”

Friday, 5 July 2019 9am – 4pm, Sciences III, Geneva. The NCCR Chemical Biology organizes the 1st edition of the workshop “Gender Equity in Science” to: ·       help future lab leaders develop gender...
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Bita Moghaddam invited speaker at Synapsy-LWiN

Bita Moghaddam invited speaker at Synapsy-LWiN

Bita Moghaddam was the guest of Synapsy-LWiN seminars and lunches at both Geneva University and EPFL last March. Bita Moghaddam is full professor at Oregon Health and science university where...
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Affiliated member : Nadia Micali

Affiliated member : Nadia Micali

“Research isn’t the icing on the cake, it’s an integral part of clinical work" Nadia Micali was appointed head of HUG’s Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department in late 2017, joining...
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The rewarding work of translational projects

The rewarding work of translational projects

Camilla Bellone and Marie Schaer work in collaboration under the NCCR-Synapsy project. Camilla Bellone explores the use of animal models in social paradigms, to look at the causality between circuitry...
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A Swiss network brings stress researchers together

A Swiss network brings stress researchers together

In an effort to promote stress research in Switzerland, Professors Carmen Sandi (EPFL Brain Mind Institute) and Dominique de Quervain (University of Basel) have founded, a network of over...
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Carmen Sandi wins the first Ron de Kloet award

Carmen Sandi wins the first Ron de Kloet award

Professor Carmen Sandi at EPFL's Brain Mind Institute, has won the first Ron de Kloet award from the STRESS-NL consortium. The STRESS-NL is a consortium of different institutions that "envisions...
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ASD : Protein synthesis as a possible biomarker

ASD : Protein synthesis as a possible biomarker

Eleonora Rosina   Highlight from the Bagni's Lab Genes encoding for proteins involved in synaptic protein synthesis seem to contribute to the development of Autism Spectrum Disorders. They are now...
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Social dopamine

Social dopamine

Dopaminergic neurons of the VTA (green). Virus-infected neurons that can be inhibited to assess their effects on social behavior through chemogenetic approaches are in red. The level of infected dopamine...
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The WP#3 is setting the tone

The WP#3 is setting the tone

A new Synapsy era has emerged with the entering in Phase-3. Its success will depend, among other things, on Synapsy’s ability to transfer technologies. It didn’t take long to hear...
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The brain is fighting against autism

The brain is fighting against autism

Eye-tracking experience Each dot indicates the position of the gaze while viewing a video showing a child playing. Left : the blue dots are the areas targeted by a child with...
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Bringing psychiatric neuroscience to teachers

Bringing psychiatric neuroscience to teachers

Last October 29th, the Synapsy clinical researcher, Camille Piguet, took part in a day of in-service training for teachers at the Collège du Léman. Each year, the teachers of this international school, which...
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Antioxidants to heal the brain in psychosis?

Antioxidants to heal the brain in psychosis?

The Centre for Psychiatric Neuroscience and the CHUV-Department of General Psychiatry have just published the results of a study suggesting the protective effects of antioxidant treatment on the brains of...
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An innovating treatment of psychosis based on biomarkers

An innovating treatment of psychosis based on biomarkers

Two units of the Department of Psychiatry, in partnership with the Harvard Medical School, have tried innovative treatment in patients who have recently developed psychosis. Their results were published in...
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Astrocytes are involved in personality disorders

Astrocytes are involved in personality disorders

A new Study conducted by the Synapsy researcher Paola Bezzi and published in the Journal of Molecular Psychiatry shows that neuronal development in the prefrontal cortex and associated cognitive processes,...
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MD-PhD fellowship awarded to Aurélie Bochet

MD-PhD fellowship awarded to Aurélie Bochet

The SNSF, the SAMS and the Swiss cancer research foundation will support ten young medical researchers in doing their MD-PhDs. The national MD-PhD commission has awarded fellowships to 10 of...
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