MD-PhD fellowship awarded to Aurélie Bochet
28 August 2018

The SNSF, the SAMS and the Swiss cancer research foundation will support ten young medical researchers in doing their MD-PhDs.
The national MD-PhD commission has awarded fellowships to 10 of the 23 medical researchers proposed by the local MD-PhD commissions.
We are very proud to announce that Dr. Aurélie Bochet, Département de psychiatrie, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève is among the awardees.
Three organisations are sponsoring the fellowships in 2018: the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS), which leads the initiative, will finance two fellowships, the SNSF seven and the Swiss cancer research foundation (KFS) one.
The fellowships may exceed the maximum salary (as defined by the salary range for doctoral students) by 10% and include the social security contributions made by the employer. They are awarded for up to three years.