Two young researchers awarded at the 2nd DNF Symposium
27 May 2015

P. Bezzi, C. Bellone, F. Petrelli, S. Habbas
During the 2nd DNF Symposium held at the DNF/CHUV, two young scientists working within the NCCR Synapsy received the 1st and 2nd poster prizes : Samia Habbas (Prof. Volterra lab) and Francesco Petrelli (Prof. Bezzi lab).
The 2nd DNF Symposium took place Friday May 22, 2015 at the Department of Fundamental Neurosciences (DNF) in Lausanne and was organized by two Professors part of NCCR-Synapsy Prof. Camilla Bellone and Prof. Paola Bezzi.
The aim of the symposium was to highlight neuroscience researches within the DNF, to create opportunity to exchange information and to establish or consolidate collaborations with NCCR-Synapsy.
This year’s theme was “Molecular basis of mental disorder” and included talks by international, as well as local, speakers including Profs. Carmen Sandi and Andreas Lüthi both part of Synapsy.
Three posters were awarded among which the first two places were attributed to members of the Synapsy community:
- 1st prize : Samia Habbas (Prof. Volterra’s lab) for her poster entitled “Role of astrocyte TNFalpha signalling in synaptic and behavioral alterations”
- 2nd prize : Francesco Petrelli (Prof. Bezzi’s lab) for his poster entitled “VMAT2 in astrocytes regulates morphology of pyramidal neurons in developing PFC by modulating extracelluler levels of dopamine”.