Past Events 2021

Leçon d'adieu Prof. Aubry
November 25th 2021
Francesco Papaleo
Neural Circuits of Emotion Discrimination

Synapsy’s Annual Meeting
Les Diablerets
October 14th – 15th 2021

SSBP 40thAnnual Meeting
Geneva, Campus Biotech

49th Meeting of the European Brain and Behaviour Society
Lausanne & Virtual
September 4th-8th

CNP Seminar
Friday, August 20th
Autism and “Astro”logy: New insights from recordings in human
brain cells
Prof. Sumantra Chattarji, Bangalore, India

#NeuroRoutes 2021
July 2nd and 7th
May 25th ( ! Tuesday ! )
Stress and the Brain: Vulnerability, Resilience and Mood Disorders
Huda Akil, University of Michigan School of Medicine

Happy Hours
April 28th
April 26th
Prefrontal circuits underlying the regulation of negative emotion: a multi-disciplinary approach in non-human primates.
Angela Roberts, Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience, University of Cambridge
March 1-4, 2021
Virtual Conference
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Mechanisms and pathways to treatment
February 22nd
Beyond Telehealth: Advances in Digital Mental Health Research and Practical Clinical Considerations for Smartphone Apps in Care
John Torous
Harvard Medical School
February 16th
Visual shape completion deficits in schizophrenia: Prospects for a new
kind of biomarker
Brian Keane,
University of Rochester

CNP Seminar
February 12th
Sex-Specific Brain Transcriptional Signatures in Human MDD and Their Correlates in Mouse Models of Depression
Professeur Benoit Labonté, Université Laval, Québec, Canada

Happy Hours
January 27th
Models of Early Psychosis
January 25th
Brain Organoids and Next-Generation Assembloid Models to Study Human Development and Disease
Sergiu P. Pasca
Stanford University, USA

CNP Seminar
22 January
Imaging neuroscience – where psychiatry and neurology meet together
Prof. Bogdan Draganski MD