Synapsy offers an Event Childcare Support to support Synapsy members – mothers and fathers – who have to participate in a scientific or clinical event associated with Synapsy. This could be Synapsy meetings (Villars retreat and Neurobiology conference) but also participation in a national or international meeting as long as the topics are related to one of the five Synapsy Work Packages.
The support will serve to cover childcare, babysitting, and transportation cost during the event duration.
For information, please contact :
Synapsy offers a financial support addressed to mothers or fathers when they are joining the Synapsy program with a new position. The Newcomer Childcare Sponsorship is aimed to cover the first weeks or months of childcare fares after the move to a new postdoc or PhD position, so as to ensure a smoother starting period and a better focus on science or clinical purposes.
As a similar grant is proposed by the Welcome Center (Geneva) but restricted to the member of UNIGE and HUG. Synapsy extend its help to applicants hosted by other institutions (EPFL, UNIL, CHUV, etc.).
For information, please contact :
Mobility Grant
Add to your research experience by going abroad. Guidelines (pdf)Mobility grants are aimed at doctoral students who wish to improve their scientific profile by going abroad while being employed in an ongoing SNSF research project. A mobility grant can cover travel and living costs as well as fees for conferences and workshops of up to CHF 20,000. It is awarded for six to twelve months. Details ►
120% Support Grant
More flexibility for your scientific career. Guidelines (pdf)The 120% support grant is aimed at postdoctoral researchers who need to look after children during an important stage in their career and who therefore need more flexibility. The grant helps researchers to find the right balance between their academic career and family commitments by enabling part-time employment. The grant allows researchers to reduce their work-time percentage and hire a support person for the same period. Details ►
Gender Equality Grant
Individual and flexible support for young women scientists. Guidelines (pdf) The gender equality grant is aimed at young women researchers funded by the SNSF. It offers them additional individualised and flexible support for their career development. An eligible person receives CHF 1000 per 12 months’ approved project running time. The grant may be used to finance career support measures but does not cover family support measures. Details ►
PRIMA grants are aimed at excellent women researchers who show a high potential for obtaining a professorship.
PRIMA grantees conduct an independent research project with their own team at a Swiss research institution. PRIMA grants cover the grantee’s salary and project costs for a five-year period. With this competitive grant, PRIMA grantees can carve out a name for themselves and take the next step up the academic career ladder: a professorship. If a PRIMA grantee is appointed as a professor in Switzerland during the funding period, the remaining amount of the PRIMA grant will be transferred to the new place of work as research funds. Details ►
It is often difficult to find spots in daycare facilities, moreover, regulations related to maternity/paternity leave vary among different employers. This is why Synapsy, in collaboration with its Host Institutions, is helping women with their inquiries in order to reconcile career and family life.
Many tools are available !
Here below, are all the links to the EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES OFFICES within our PARTNERS’ INSTITUTIONS :
Welcome Centers of Swiss Universities are facilitating the settling in of future employees of partnering institutions and their families. Their services are dedicated to the members of their academic staff. Find informations on Lausanne’s and Geneva’s Welcome Centers: