Scientific Conference
4th Conference on the Neurobiology of Mental Health
June 8th – 9th, 2022 at Campus Biotech, Geneva, Switzerland.

The NCCR Synapsy will culminate after twelve successful years in September of 2022. To mark this occasion, a 4th edition of the Neurobiology of Mental Health Conference will be organized. The Conferences aims at promoting productive scientific exchanges among researchers focusing on the mechanistic bases of psychiatric diseases. The Conferences are conceived around research domains relevant to psychiatry, exploring these mechanistic entry points from a broad range of angles, spanning the whole spectrum between basic neuroscience and clinical psychiatry.
The first three NCCR Synapsy Conferences were held in April 2016, January 2018, and February 2020 at Campus Biotech in Geneva. Highly distinguished basic and clinical international scientists attended the Conferences, which were received with great enthusiasm.
The 4th NCCR Synapsy Conference will again aim to be a major international event in neurobiology and psychiatry. Each session will seek to link basic neuroscience to themes pertinent to psychiatry with a particular focus on Synapsy research fields, and numerous prominent international speakers will discuss the latest developments in the field.
We will have five sessions, each related to one of the NCCR Synapsy’s five Work Packages (WPs) – “22q11”, “Biomarkers of Early Psychosis,” “Autism,” “Developmental Stress,” and “Mood Disorders.” Each session will be organized as follows:
- 1 keynote lecture (20 min + 10 min)
- 3 short TED-like presentations (10 min each + 5 min each of discussion)
- Round table discussion (60-75 min)
Wednesday June 8th, 2022
9h30-9h45: Introduction: Camilla Bellone, NCCR Synapsy Director, UNIGE
9h45-12h00 “WP#2 – BIOMARKERS OF EARLY PSYCHOSIS” – Chair: Julio Licinio, State University of New York
- Keynote Lecture: Anthony Grace, University of Pittsburgh (TBC)
- Short talk 1: Philippe Conus, UNIL – CHUV
- Short talk 2: Patric Hagmann, UNIL – CHUV
- Short talk 3: Kim Do, UNIL – CHUV
Round table discussion: chaired by Julio Licinio, SUNY with the participation of Joe Coyle, Harvard University, Takao Hensch, Harvard University and all the speakers
12h-13h15: POSTERS/LUNCH
13h15-15h30: “WP#1 – 22q11 DELETION SYNDROME” – Chair: Denis Jabaudon, UNIGE
- Keynote Lecture: Peter Uhlhaas, University of Glasgow
- Short talk 1: Pico Caroni, FMI
- Short talk 2: Alan Carleton, UNIGE
- Short talk 3: Stephan Eliez, UNIGE
Round table discussion: chaired by Denis Jabaudon, UNIGE with the participation of all the speakers
15h30-16h00 COFFEE BREAK
16h-18h15: “WP#4 – DEVELOPMENTAL STRESS” – Chair: Christian Lüscher, EPFL
- Keynote Lecture: Kafui Dzirasa, Duke University
- Short talk 1: Johannes Graeff, EPFL
- Short talk 2: Dan Schechter, UNIL – CHUV
- Short talk 3: Carmen Sandi, EPFL
Round table discussion chaired by Christian Lüscher, UNIGE with the participation of Bita Moghadam, Oregon Health and Science University, Elisabeth Binder, Max Planck Institute and all the speakers
Thursday June 9th, 2022
10h – 12h15 “WP#3 – AUTISM” – Chair: Peter Scheiffele, University of Basel
- Keynote Lecture: Micheal Lombardo, University of Cambridge
- Short talk 1: Claudia Bagni, UNIL
- Short talk 2: Camilla Bellone, UNIGE
- Short talk 3: Marie Schaer, UNIGE
Round table discussion: chaired by Takao Hensch, Harvard University with the participation of Peter Scheiffele, University of Basel, Fabrizio Bolognani, VectivBio and all the speakers
14h-16h15 “WP#5 – MOOD DISORDERS” – Chair: Elizabeth Binder, Max Planck Institute / Wade Berrettini, University of Pennsylvania
- Keynote Lecture: Helen Mayberg, Mount Sinai Medical School
- Short talk 1: Pierre Magistretti, UNIL – CHUV
- Short talk 2: Camille Piguet, UNIGE
- Short talk 3: Pierre Marquet, Uni Laval
Round table discussion: chaired by Elizabeth Binder, Max Planck Institute with the participation of Wade Berrettini, University of Pennsylvania and all the speakers